Nonfiction Unit

Our new reading unit is a nonfiction unit.  We are excited to begin this unit that will foster our students interest in the world around them – from current events, to history, to technology.  We will begin the unit by using short articles to work on skills that will help students effectively summarize a text.  As we move forward, students will use the skills they have developed to study a research topic of their choice and produce a “google slides” presentation to share with their classmates.  Students will choose their research topic from the following categories: Historical Events, Scientific or Technological Discoveries or Advancements, Human Impact on the Natural World, or Natural Phenomenon.

During this unit there will be some shifts in  home reading expectations.

What has not changed?

  • Students are still expected to read for a minimum of 30 minutes every day
  • Students will record their reading homework in their reading journals

What is different?

  • Students do not need to continue writing four entries a week based on their independent reading book.
  • Students are expected to responded to three assigned articles each week in their reading journals.
  • Students will be given specific  directions regarding what to include in their journal entries.